Irvine Housing by the Numbers

The following is a list of some recents statistics for Irvine housing by neighborhood. These numbers are provided by Redfin.


List Price / # of Homes Listed Sold Price / # Homes Sold List Per SF Sold Per SF % Chg M-O-M Sold Price/SF % Chg Y-O-Y Sold Price/SF
Airport/IBC $374K/52 $327K/18 $332 $317 15.90% -17%
Columbus Grove n/a
El Camino $462K/28 $389K/6 $322


-10.10% -28.40%
Northpark $465K/91 $412K/19 $290 $277 -3.10% -20.90%
Northwood $489K/78 $518K/17 $286 $292 3.90% -7.60%
Oak Creek $350K/33 $249K/9 $308 $261 -8.10% -20.40%
Orange Tree $216K/12 $205K/5 $252 $249 -4.20% -13.50%
Portola Springs $623K/43 $570K/7 $321 $293 16.70% 1.40%
Quail Hill $560K/20 $512K/8 $324 $326 -5% -13.30%
Rancho San Joaquin n/a
Turtle Ridge $1,672K/32 $532K/4 $493 $355 -13.80% -25.30%
Turtle Rock $974K/40 $545K/8 $458 $295 -20.30% -14.20%
Shady Canyon $5,980K/23 $2,670K/5 $720 $534 n/a 24.20%
University Park $595K/14 $420K/7 $289 $281 -15.10% -10.80%
University Town Center $467K/10 $480K/1 $330 $315 -4% n/a
West Irvine n/a
Westpark $552K/20 $695K/2 $331 $356 -6.60% -11.20%
Walnut $600K/11 $596K/4 $298 $259 -9.80% -12.80%
Woodbridge $435K/93 $402K/15 $317 $273 -13.10% -6.20%
Woodbury $611K/44 $460K/8 $314 $292 -2% -16.80%

Note: These numbers are for January 2012. Right after I finished this chart, Redfin came out with the February numbers. I’ll update this chart with the February numbers in a few weeks.

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