OC Real Estate Forum on 4/12/2007

Just a quick blurb. I’ve posted about this group before. They have their April meeting tomorrow at 7pm at the Double Tree Hotel at 90 Pacifica in Irvine.

One of the presentations is about how to access real estate records for Free. Here is the description of the presentation: “Accessing all real estate property records, including owner names, address, title history, previous purchase prices, current loan amounts and comparative market analysisFREE. Doug Thompson of Lawyers Title Company, Irvine, will demonstrate how to access the system and use the information. The OCRE Forum in collaboration with Lawyers Title will be providing a FREE Costumer Service Account to all OCREs registered members.

Many of our readers have asked how to get this kind of information. If I go to this meeting, I’ll report back on what I find out. If you end up going, please let us know how it went.

7 thoughts on “OC Real Estate Forum on 4/12/2007

  1. irvinefsbo

    I’ll attend the meeting tonight. But I may only stay until the free info is given, based on the other posts, it sounds like a WOT (waste of time) for serious investors. But since this forum has given me so much helpful info, I don’t mind spending $25 and a couple of hours. Will post back tommorrow 4/13/07.

  2. irvinefsbo

    Just got back from the meeting, big WOT. Lots of newbies and loan pushers. Good place to unload your clunkers. 30 secs floor time for anyone who wants to promote their product.

    Product available only if you are a member, costs $250. Meeting fees increased to $29.

    The product is called Niteowl available thru LANDAmerica. Has the same thing Zillow has but better, since it has history of sales with names and actual recorded deeds. But information is only good for 1985 or later, since files were not scanned at local county recorders’ back then. This is available nationally in major metropolitan area.

    Not that interested in joining for $250, but if enough people chip in $200 via PayPal, I will pay $50 for membership, and email you the account and password.

    Send $ to irvinefsbo@yahoo.com if I get enough interest by end of next week 4/22, I’ll join. Otherwise, I will refund your money on 4/23.

  3. zovall


    Thanks for checking this out and reporting back to us! Did they show any demos of this NiteOwl service? I wonder if it’s different from the LandAmerica title db that some of us in the biz have access to.

    On another note, I’ve thought about making flyers for the Irvine Housing Blog and putting them out on all the seats. But I chickened out lol..

  4. oc_fliptrack

    That kind of sucked. Those guys need a new venue. Big time. That was twenty pounds of flipper stuffed into a ten pound sack. I left after the first break.

    Nobody was talking about local RE, but they sure were pushing stuff in the south. Jackson, Miss. Rio Grande Valley, TX. South Carolina.

    I heard and saw some things that my hair stand on end. “Instant Equity” on a flyer for props in S Carolina. A guy pushing 2/2 condos in Berdoo who says “we know they’re going up”. A hard money lender offering some kind of NINA product at 18% fixed. I think I overheard max LTV 70%. A guy looking for cash to complete some condo deals in Ocala, FL (WTF?).

    Irvinefsbo, I’ll throw in my $$. If too many people start using the account, do you think they’ll cut it off?

  5. irvinefsbo


    http://www.niteowlplus.net/Anonym/NoLogin.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fDefault.aspx is the website.

    Looks like they may offer it to real estate agents and loan officers for free. So if you are in the business, please do try to sign up.

    I’m going to see if my realtor friends can get access.

    Don’t think they will like you putting flyers on chairs, they charge $350 to setup a table in the hallway in front of the meeting rooms. But you could print up business cards with blog site and stuff it in a small gift bag and pass it out. Looks like attendees will take any freebies.

  6. irvinefsbo

    I was thinking since Lawyers’ Title offered a search service, other title companies might do so, too. So I checked Chicago Title, they have a premier service which sounds like NiteOwl.


    If you are in the real estate or loan business see if you can join and get an account.

    Also Orange Title has a one week account for Title Advantage

    http://www.octitle.com to create an online login verified via email.

    The actual website is http://www.titleadvantage.com. Can’t do property searches, but have good economic reports information.

    For example, look at Economic Updates, Economic focus, hotsheets.

    Also has a real estate documents section which includes a declaration of homestead for individual or married couples. Free, my favorite price.

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