Thought of the Day — 5/30/2007

A sense of entitlement, enabled by prodigious amounts of borrowing, can overcome fiscal responsibility and prudence.



10 thoughts on “Thought of the Day — 5/30/2007

  1. lendingmaestro

    The OC, Desperate Housewives, The real house wives of OC…need I go on?

  2. SoCalwatcher

    God bless America!

    We’re stupid, fat, in debt, poor health but we have freedom!

  3. Real Vapid Bimbos of OC

    “Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.”

    Now go out an buy a home you anti-home-owning terrorists.

    The above post is sarcasm. It in no way reflects the views of the poster or contains a valid point on the nature of the bloggeres here-in. The entire comment is intended as ridicule for the single minded nature of the current Executive Branch and their false dilemma’s. For those that support the President in the above declaration, but are not sure what the Executive branch is or a false dilemma, they are one and the same. All rights reserved, except for anything they make up to detain you indefinitely under the Patriot Act. Again, this is sarcasm. Now please, wave a flag and go vote and don’t forget to buy a house.

  4. IrvineRenter

    It wouldn’t bother me if they would accept foreclosure and bankruptcy without asking me (through our government) to bail them out.

  5. lowrydr310

    I spend too much time reading about the doom of the housing market! I can’t help it – I’m an addict!

  6. Ranger Rick

    Not to get political…. but…. here is another quote. “They hate us because of our love for freedom”……Does that make sense?

  7. Adam Smith

    “They hate us because of our love for freedom”

    No, they hate us because we forcefully occupied what most muslims would consider as “holy” ground, and refuse to get out (and I’ll bet they’ll be glad to hear that Bush says that he sees us occupying Iraq in terms similar to our presence in South Korea!).

    Do you suppose if some foreign nation invaded the U.S. under false pretenses (WMD), and then entered Washington, D.C., we’d be a tad upset? Eh, none of that matters. That’s them, and we’re us; you KNOW, the GOOD guys. We’re the United States, so we’re ‘special’.

    As a country, the U.S. has a sense of god-given entitlement over the world’s assets, including the oil reserves sitting under other sovereign nations. Does the phrase ‘manifest destiny’ ring a bell? Remember, the stuff we were taught (but apparently all forgot) in elementary school? It’s alive and well, in 2007.

    Whether it’s Iraq, the housing bubble (including requisite cries for a bail-out), or immigration reform: they’re all just various manifestations of the same disfunctional thinking.

  8. Major Schadenfreude

    Me too lowrydr310!

    I’m one of the fools who have been “throwing money away” on rent the past few years because I just didn’t believe a starter SFR in Brea was worth $600+ grand.

    It’s nice to see that the pigeons are finally coming home to roost.

    And there are A LOT of pigeons!


    (pardon the realtor-style multiple!!!!!!)

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